I know you’re only five years old, but you have had more fun in those five years than most kids have in their whole childhood. Enjoy every second living at camp. Make sure you always get up early to wake up the campers, help Uncle Charlie cook the boys breakfast, help Dad and Mom in the office, let Pop-Pop throw you in the pool all day, let Grammy put extra suntan lotion on your face each morning, run through the woods to all of your secret forts when you need a little break because no one knows that camp like you and Jared, ride the horses on the trails with Scally Wag, work on your aim at the riffle and archery range when you can, go stomping through the creeks in your bare feet and catch bugs with Jared, sing your heart out to the camp fire songs while you roast your marshmallows with all the boys, laugh at the silly skits the staff puts on, say your prayers every night, and enjoy the smell of camp fire smoke on your clothes as you fall asleep! One day, those memories are going to be some of the best ones of your childhood.
I know you’re only five years old, but you have had more love in your life than you could ever imagine. Soak up the stories that Mom Mom tells you about Popski and make sure to sit on her lap while she tells you them. Don’t forget to play Hungry Hungry Hippos with her a lot on your visits because that is one of her favorites! She’s going to show you off a lot on those visits so let Mom do your hair Miss Independent because you want to look nice in all those pictures. One day those stories and the pictures will be all you have to hold on too. Enjoy your sleepovers at Grammy and Pop-Pop’s house but don’t always kick Pop-Pop out of the bed so you don’t have to sleep alone! Go on walks through the woods and then help Pop-Pop clean up the yard that always seems to be filled with sticks. One day, the lessons he taught you on those walks will be priceless. Watch Grammy make her pies, cakes, and cookies and make sure you help her too. One day, those recipes will be legendary you will want to know how to bake them.
Let Jared play with your toys more because all he really wants to do is play with you. One day, he’ll be much bigger than you and you’ll miss the days when you were both so little that you could fit in that box and pretend to be whatever you wanted. Wake up early some mornings and go have breakfast with just Dad because he’s always willing to answer all of your crazy and interesting questions and gives the best advice about everything. One day, you'll remember all those things he said and that will get you through some hard times. Sleep in the other mornings and then go cuddle with Mom because everyone knows that both of you can sleep the latest. Get your hair done with her on the weekends because there is nothing more special than girl talk at the hair salon. One day, the memories you have of all those mother-daughter times will be so precious. You have the best family a little girl could ask for so make sure you tell them how much you love them every single day, give them a kiss, and a great big squeeze before you go to bed.
Let Jared play with your toys more because all he really wants to do is play with you. One day, he’ll be much bigger than you and you’ll miss the days when you were both so little that you could fit in that box and pretend to be whatever you wanted. Wake up early some mornings and go have breakfast with just Dad because he’s always willing to answer all of your crazy and interesting questions and gives the best advice about everything. One day, you'll remember all those things he said and that will get you through some hard times. Sleep in the other mornings and then go cuddle with Mom because everyone knows that both of you can sleep the latest. Get your hair done with her on the weekends because there is nothing more special than girl talk at the hair salon. One day, the memories you have of all those mother-daughter times will be so precious. You have the best family a little girl could ask for so make sure you tell them how much you love them every single day, give them a kiss, and a great big squeeze before you go to bed.
Oh, and there is one more thing I want to tell you blondie. You are little Miss Independent but it is okay to ask for help every now and then because you can’t always do it on your own. And I know you get scared at night with shadows and the sounds of the house but don’t forget about God. He’s always got your back sweetie. And always remember what Mom and Dad always say, "love God and others." You have a huge heart for both so make sure you don’t get caught up in worrying so much about little things because they don't matter that much at the end of the day.
Now go climb trees, run outside barefoot in the rain, play with your brother, have Grammy do your nails, rake a big leaf pile with Pop-Pop, play all the board games with Mom Mom, have Dad make up funny stories before bedtime, and make sure Mom dresses you up in those pretty dresses for church.
Be five today little missy; smile, laugh, love, hug, kiss, dream.
Be five today little missy; smile, laugh, love, hug, kiss, dream.
Love you little girl,
21 year old Kelsey
PS. When you take Jared to his new school soon, watch for a little boy on the hill waiting for the bus. Or next time you go to Dana's house, ride your bikes a little bit further up the hill. Look for a bunch of boys playing in the woods or riding their big bikes up and down the long driveway. One of those boys has the biggest brown eyes, a perfect smile, and he will be wearing a Phillies tshirt, jeans and sneakers. One day, that's your best friend and his name is Nick.
PSS. Tell Mom she’s crazy when she says it’s a good idea to play with Jared when he has those weird red spots on him that make him itch. But if she still insists, thank her for not letting you itch your face and leaving scars!
PSS. Tell Mom she’s crazy when she says it’s a good idea to play with Jared when he has those weird red spots on him that make him itch. But if she still insists, thank her for not letting you itch your face and leaving scars!
[Don't laugh - chicken pox are painful.]
This is so sweet kels! -jes