Every year I give up something for lent.
I'm not Catholic but I love the meaning behind it.
Giving something up for God that has become too important
or causes you to stumble in some way - sounds good to me.
Last year I gave up coffee. That one was so hard!
I used coffee to keep me going throughout the day - instead of God.
And I used it as crutch to get together with friends - because I always needed coffee.
So I gave it up and did not drink coffee for over 40 days. And it was amazing!
I had to rely on God to get me through late night homework sessions.
And I had to come up with new ideas when I wanted to hang out with friends.
I learned so much more about myself and others without coffee in my life.
Since last year's lent I have started drinking coffee again.
But I am not dependent on it and tend to workout more with friends!
I love my life without being dependent on coffee :)
Don't get me wrong, I still enjoy a good cup of coffee now and then.
Plus I have a ridiculous amount of mugs that need to be used every so often!
The picture above is not my wall but I'm on my way to that status hehe.
ANYWAYS... Lent 2012.
I will be giving up:
Texting while driving/at the wheel.
Texting while driving/at the wheel.
Including when I'm at stop lights - hence at the wheel.
*everyone cringes.*
I know. I know. I know.
Don't judge me. You all have done it.
But it is a horrible habit of mine.
I'm good at it but I want to break it.
*cheers. standing ovation. cheers.*
So when I feel the urge to text - I'll pray.
Whatever I have to say to anyone over a text can
1. Be said to God or 2. Wait until I'm out of my car.
I will be focusing more on prayer overall in the next 40ish days.
I want to add more "me and God time" into everyday life
and this no texting will help me while I'm driving here and there.
There are some other things I'm working on but this is my main one.
Many of you are friends with me in "real life,"
so I'm putting this out there so you can help me!
If you see me texting while my car is in motion - call me out on it!
I want to break this habit asap because I want to keep myself and others safe :)
What are you giving up for lent?!
Focus on something that is replacing God in your life
or something that you need to get rid of in your life if you need ideas.
Don't feel like you need to broadcast it either.
It is a personal decision between you and God.
But ask for support if you need it!
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