Thursday, September 29, 2011


So this post isn't about Thrifty Thursdays. That's tomorrow. Confusing  - I know. But today is Facial "Friday" because I want it to be Friday and you can all do this great facial on Friday. Hannah and I found this one day when we wanted to make our own facials. We fell in love! The website we found was super great in giving facials for any type of skin or any type of facial you are in need of. I'm definitely giving myself a facial this weekend, so here are my favorites:

Before: Make sure you wash your face before you do anything! You want to start off with a clean face so you aren't getting any of the dirt deeper into your pores. The goal is to cleanse, exfoliate, and rejuvenate! [without going to the spa]

Pre-facials: Put your hair up; put a thick headband in (you don't want this stuff in your hair); clean off your sink;  get some towels ready....

Ready, Set, GO!

1. Wash your face. 
Wash with whatever products you have or with warm water and gentle soap.

2. Exfoliate

2 tbsp fine oatmeal
2 tbsp plain yogurt
1 tbsp almond oil


Place the oatmeal in a bowl and mix in the yogurt and almond oil. Leave to sit for a few minutes to allow the oatmeal soften. Gently massage the mixture into your face and neck for about five minutes, avoiding the area directly around the eyes. Wash off with warm water.

3. Avocado Face Mask
half ripe avocado
1 tbsp lemon juice (normal or oily skin)
1 egg yolk (normal to dry skin)
1 tbsp plain yogurt
1 tsp olive or avocado oil


Peel and mash the avocado half in a bowl
Beat in the remaining ingredients and use immediately.

Easy Peasy!!!!

I seriously love this facial combo! It made my face feel wonderful and the avocado was perfect right after I exfoliated with the gentle oatmeal. I have sensitive skin and I had no issue with these facials. Try it! You won't regret it!

Wednesday, September 28, 2011

Gotta Have Em

What to get for the upcoming fall fashion season:

5 things that are a must have for Fall 2011

According to me and Old Navy

1. Comfy and Cozy Knit Sweaters
2. Colorful Cropped Peacoat

3. Loose Button-up Blouses

4. Stripes and Stripes

5. Flare Jeans

So I plan on stocking up on all of these items and more for the cold months ahead! I even did some shopping today and am hitting the thrift store Friday for some more stuff. I might be switching up my days so you can see my fun finds! Stay warm this fall but stay cute.

Tuesday, September 27, 2011

my voice. my vision.

I was reading over at Casey Wiegand's blog.
I love her blog because she is so real and open about her life,
but at the same time she is careful in what she is sharing.
A few months ago she considered letting go of her blog for a while.
She didn't know if it was right to continue blogging when there
were other things going on in her life. [I really admired that]
I was upset though when I read that post for many reasons.
Casey is such an inspiration to me because she is so tender.
She is the Momma who hates to be away from her kids,
puts her hubby first, loves God, and is just very sensitive.
She blogged all about who she is and no more apologizing for that.
I really admired that about her for everything she said.

But everything Casey said was her, is not me...
One - I don't have a hubby or babies.
Two - I'm not very sensitive [I love people who are though].
But one thing is for sure - we serve the same God.
We both go through rough patches.
We both want to be completely real.
We both strive to show Christ daily.

Casey posted this quote on her blog... and I'm stealing it
because I want to share my vision, my hope, my song:

"To be taken seriously, I must realize the seriousness of  blogging.

Not in a "I take myself very seriously" type of way at all. More in the way that you realize the importance of the words, the faith and the beliefs that you hold.
I have a responsibility and far reaching arms when I share my words and


Use your blog, your words and your person to share the Lord (and your heart) with others.
They desperately need to hear your story as much as you need to hear theirs.

Be serious. Be passionate and Be you."

I want this blog to be me.

Not Casey; Sydney; Ashley. Kelsey!
I am going to be real. I'm going to be me.
[This is me this past March in Haiti]
This is my voice.
I'm a type A person who hates to be wrong.
I have a gift with children and plan on using it.
I have a heart for missions, people and serving.
I love Jesus with all my heart, mind, soul, and strength.
I am tough on myself and others.
I am fierce and will fight for what I believe in
and those I believe in until the end.
I have learned more about God and myself
in the last 2 years than the 18 before that.
I am Kelsey Lynn. And this is my story!
Here are my struggles and joys.
I hope they speak to you in some way.

This is my vision.
To bring glory to God.
And to be selfless enough to do that,
no matter what the cost or stakes.

I want to use who I am to fulfill my vision.

So this I've been thinking about this blog...
I obviously like things to be organized [surprise surprise]
so I've been thinking about blogging things on different days.
A little bit on this and then a little bit on that.
So  here's what I've been thinking:
Madness Monday [anything I find crazy; am crazy about]
Thoughtful Tuesday [what has been on my heart]
Wardrobe Wednesday [style, fashion, tips]
Thrifty Thursday [thrifty ideas, finds, tips, mix match]
DIY Friday [crafts and do it yourself remedies for the weekend]
Whatever Weekends [whatever I want to right about]
NOTE: This can and most likely will change.
This is more to help me and focus me right now.

So that's the plan for right now - starting now...
How did I do with my first Thoughtful Tuesday?!

Monday, September 26, 2011


So I made a mistake [eek... I hate that sentence].

In my list of 21 things I made a mistake.
I have already been jet skiing... woops [I forgot]
I have not been to Tennessee though.

So I am replacing my "go jet skiing" to....
and yesterday I officially booked the tickets,
so in 18 dias I will be flying out to visit Hannah!
Philly to Chattanooga - here I come! TN get ready!

I can't wait to blog all about our fun times together.
I miss that girl a lot cause you see - we're twins.
We've been best friends since 7th grade. She's the bomb!
And I haven't seen her since the beginning of August.
So I'm kinda freaking out I get to see her soon :)

Okay so on to more interesting info for all of you...
I already blogged about the things I wanted to
stop or break from before I turned 21.
And I already showed you some awesome craftiness.
I enlightened you with some thrifting tips.
And I combined the two with an old school desk.
All of these were part of my 21 list...

So from the FUN section of my list: I give you - 
[in honor of Hannah] hookah and guns.

This whole list thing got started with my Mama - 
Hannah and I adapted it for our 21st birthdays.
And some of the stuff we do together, some we don't.
Well here are two things we had to do together!
I don't have any pictures of me shooting a shot gun,
boys don't understand or care to take pictures.
But I have ones of me and Hannah shooting and
trying some hookah for the first time! [thanks Han!]

So here are some pictures of 2 great days!!!
The girls had so much fun trying new things...
and dragging the boys with us!

 Me and Hannah! Doylestown Hookah Bar
Me and Nick
Hannah and Matt
 Bam. Bam. Bam. I know how to shot those clay pigeons!
 Bam. Bam. Bam. She hit some on her first day out!
 I was horrible at throwing!
 The most hick thing she has ever done:
guns, clay pigeons, cornfield, truck, and country music.
We had a banging time!!!

PS. Check out my new 21 Things Tab!

Tuesday, September 20, 2011


How-To Spice Up Any Old Outfit! I love adding a little extra bit of spice to any outfit. So I'm bring you some of the best tips I received on how to add a little extra bit of spiciness to your outfits my loves. Enjoy and be bold!

1. Makeup. It definitely adds that extra pop for any outfit. Red lips or smokey eyes are wonderful for pulling a look together. Sydney from the The Daybook was over at How Does She? explaining great lip stick options. I am on a hunt for the perfect red and nude lip stick thanks to Miss Sydney! Tiffany from TiffanyD is my makeup go to girl for everything! She has great tutorials for every makeup trick there is so that will explain why I love her smokey eye. Pick one. Use it.
2. Scarves. This is my all time favorite accessory for spicing up any outfit. It adds that little extra bit of dimension, color, print, and spice. There are so many ways to wear a scarf, so you have to be willing to experiment and copy.

All of these scarves are from Forever 21. They all add great texture and color to any outfit! I have a scarf obsession and am looking to add all of these to my collection asap.

3. Belts. This would be the second largest accessory in my closet [first being scarves]. A belt can do a lot for an outfit. It can help give you that womanly hourglass shape, make a loose or big shirt look cute and pulled together, pull two completely separate pieces together seamlessly, and adds a little bit of spice of course.


 1. Katherine: Her dress was loose and her belt pulls it in to give her the perfect hourglass. I find her style to be just ahh-mazing. [more on her later]
2. Cori: She uses her belt to add a little extra color and spice to her outfit.
3. Sydney: She uses her belt to pull 2 separate pieces together and adds to her waist. She also uses it to pull different parts of the outfit together.
4. Lucy: She used her belt to add that hourglass shape but also tied it for style.
All three of these lovely ladies pulled their outfits together beautifully with a belt.

4. Cardigans. Okay this is a must for your closet. I love pairing a cardigan with a plain tee shirt and adding belts or scarves or jewelry to spice it up. But overall, the cardigan can really add a lot to an outfit. It adds layers and dimension. It can also add a pop of color. All of these models wear cardigans that add color, have a spice of details or for warmth [it's fall people and just because it's fall doesn't mean you can't be cute!]

5. Mix and Match. PUT THEM TOGETHER! I love pairing a scarf and belt together in a different and unique way. Obviously I pair bold makeup with many different combos. And and cardi and a belt - you can never go wrong.

In summary: Don't be afraid to try something out. I keep trying different combos out. Some work and some don't. But I hate bland outfits and always am looking for that extra spice. Let me know what tips you found helpful and have tried :)

Note: the pictures in the post gave me an awful time. sorry that they aren't lined up and perfect. I did my best. kthanks!

Saturday, September 17, 2011

Post-it Note

So if you've been following my blog you know that I love things to be organized. I wrote about how I've been branching out into the creative side of me the other day, but it is still hard at times to drop the organization and be messy and creative. So needless to say - I love post-its. Everything about them screams ahhh-mazing to me! I keep them in everything so that I can write on one if I need to at any moments notice.

One day last year my friends and I were talking about how sometimes we want God to write up a post-it note because we don't know what to do or what God wants us to do, and a post-it note from God would solve all our problems. And since I love post-its - I would love a post-it with directions from God on a daily basis. However, that is not how God works [still praying on it though].

However, I have started to realize that God sends me little post-it notes in little ways every day. The other day in church in sent me one that I really needed. My pastor was talking about putting God first in every thing we do. He was talking about how we can get so caught up in our lives that we forget or choose not to give God all of us. I was really challenged during this talk because so many times I can get so caught up in my life and doing my own thing that is planned out by me - that I forget to let God have His hand in my plans. Organization and planning is definitely my control area my of life. When things are spinning out of control, I make a plan and then can control it better. And that makes me happy.

But I have that all wrong. My pastor really challenged us to think about an area of our life that we held on to and didn't let God have, and it's kind of ironic that I'm considering this a post-it note from God because the post-it note says:

God is challenging me constantly in this area. I am a type A person. Plans and organization means a lot to me. I mean the clothes in my closet are in color order [I was into ombre way before it was popular]. So I realized that God was sending me a massive post-it that during this year at school He is going to be throwing me some curve balls, and I'm going to have to rely solely on Him to get me through this year of school. He already has to be honest. I have had my four years of school planned out [what classes to take when and where]. This past week I found out that my plans need to be altered. I'm in a slight panic over that because this might add more classes to my already full spring load, or I have to take three classes this summer. However, I am trusting in Him that He sent me this post-it note for a reason.

I can't say that I'm perfect at it yet; I am working on it every day though. I am doing my best to remember that God's timing is always the best timing. He has a much better plan for my life than I could ever plan out. I hope that you learned a little bit more about God and yourself while reading this because the ultimate goal of this blog is to bring glory to God. I loved my post-it note last week from God and look forward to blogging about His next one!

Homework: My pastor always challenges us with "homework" at the end of his sermons. So I am going to give you a little bit of homework. Reflect on your life and ask God was it is that you are keeping from Him. Surrender that area of your life to Him and work on it. It is not going to happen over night, but I challenge you to promise to God that you will work on it. Research says that it takes 30 days to make something a habit. So make this your new habit for a month, and work on it every single day.

Pray, read the Bible, and talk with others about what you are struggling with so they can encourage you and lift you up. I am always here to talk to as well. Email me [] or leave a comment with your email and I'll email you! I would love to help any one in making their relationship with God stronger and better!

Thanks for baring with me folks! I hope that you enjoyed this because I loved writing this post. Look for post-it notes from God: [they are everywhere!]

Friday, September 16, 2011

Coming Soon!

You those tabs up above...
I'll be updating and finishing them this weekend:)
As well as some serious blogging!
Stay tuned and come back tomorrow to check everything out.

Have a fabulous weekend :)
I'm home-bound for a bonfire, a truck show, church, and baseball.
a little bit of family and a lot a bit of friends = perrrrfect FALL weekend!

Tuesday, September 13, 2011

Where were you?

Where were you on that Tuesday? 
You know the one I mean - September 11, 2001.

I had always heard my parents and grandparents talk about where they were when JFK was shot and wondered what it had been like to get that news. I finally know the feeling now. 10 years later - everyone asks, "Where were you when the World Trade Centers fell?" or "What did you think was going on that day?"

I was ten years old and in the fifth grade.
I went to a Christian school and no one told me what was happening.
I knew something was up because the teachers were acting weird.
They kept crying and leaving the classroom.
The principle let so many people just randomly leave school early.
My teacher told me that my mom would be home when I got there.
Something had happened  - but I had no idea what.

I got home and my mom, who worked almost an hour away, was on the phone.
She told me not to turn on the television, but it was almost 4pm.
And any ten year old girl in 2001 could tell you what came on every day at 4pm.
No not Oprah - 7th Heaven! If you don't know the show - shame on you!
Anyways, I loved the show and never missed an episode. So on came the TV.


These were the words that came on the TV instead of my favorite show.
I screamed for my Mom, who was not happy that I had turned on the TV,
and she came out of her office to explain it all to me and my brother.

I couldn't believe that America - my home - was under attack.
We were always on top of the world and no one ever messed with us.
Or so I thought.
This was just unbelievable to me.

Who? What? Why?

Well I understand a lot more about that day ten years later.
I have seen our country come together in miraculous ways.
I have seen our country fight back in ways that I didn't know possible.
I have seen those who did this die for what they did.
I have seen and felt the impact on others around me.
I have felt the impact of this event on my own life.

I hug a little tighter. I love a little stronger.
I never let the sun go down on my anger.
I never leave a place without hugs and kisses.
I sometimes worry a little too much.
I think about bad things happening to my loved ones.
I allow airlines to check my luggage and myself for weapons.
I will grow up with this memory shaping the rest of my life.

Never forgotten.
Always in our hearts.
September 11, 2001.

Tuesday, September 6, 2011



Definition: 1. a column of air moving rapidly around and around in a cylindrical or funnel shape; 2. used in similes and metaphors to describe a very energetic or tumultuous person or process.

The second definition applies to me the past two week.

"My life as a second semester junior has been quite a whirlwind so far."

I apologize for the lack of posts and depth to my posts.
I have one great post that I'm working on but it's not done.
It will be up soon - one day this week is my goal!
So my deepest apologies for the lack my blogging - it will get better.

Becca and I at LADY GAGA one year ago (9.15.10)
Shout out to my girl Becca: HAPPY 20th BIRTHDAY GIRL!!!!
Welcome to the twenties :)  hope you have a great day - love you!

Thursday, September 1, 2011

Posh Style

So I want to talk fashion with you all. I think I'm going to start featuring different celebrities, average people, and royalty that have some amazing fashion taste and what we can learn from them! We'll try it out for a while - once a week - and see where this goes. Let me know what you think and if you want to see anyone in particular featured!

First up: the famous Victoria Beckham
[aka Posh Spice]
The other week I ordered Victoria Beckham's book That Extra Half an Inch: Hair, Heels and Everything In Between. And I fell in love. Her style. Her stores. Her pictures. Her ideas. Her critiques. Her inspiration. Her life. All of it and more fall into these pages! I have always loved Victoria's fashion and have followed her off and on over the years. I mean come on her hubby is beeeautiful! And her kids are adorable too. [So maybe I love the family.] Anyways, we all know she's from England and moved in California so her man could play soccer. Most of us grew up with her being Posh Spice from Spice Girls! So I guess my love for her started back when she Posh and in one of the most amazing girl bands from my youth. 

David and Victoria Beckham

Her hair: Long. Short. Brunette. Blonde. She does it all, and well. She's had the short edgy bob for a while and it's her thing now, but there is no denying she looks great no matter what hair style or what color. So what can we learn: Great hair goes a long way and can be the final touch to any look. So invest in some good hair products and ditch the ponytails. Rock the hair you have and don't be afraid to switch it up.

Her shoes: Victoria was quoted once saying "I cannot think without heels..." Hence - the heels. Her book that I just got That Extra Half an Inch is referring to heels. The higher, bolder,sexier...the better. I heard rumors of a future eight inch heel?! That's craziness if you ask me, but if anyone can rock that -it's Posh. So what can we learn: Spice up that boring outfit with a cute heel. It doesn't have to be five inches - but a good two or three inch heel does wonders for your outfit. Your legs and butt will thank you in long run ladies! 

Her sunglasses: Posh always wear them extra-large. She never goes anywhere with out a pair of her favorite glasses. Most celebrities have great glasses because they are always having their pictures taken. However, Victoria just always has the right pair for her outfit. They add a little edge and spark to her look. So what can we learn: Don't be afraid to add an accessory that can light a spark for your look. I personally love big sunglasses and can relate to Victoria. But find what glasses look best on you - with your cheek bones and hair - and work it!

Her colors: She's classic: black and white. She takes the little black dress with her everywhere - to work, to parties, and everything in between. The same for her in white. It look great on her slim figure. She knows her body well and what looks good on it. Add both colors: it's pure success [bottom picture is ahhh-mazing]. So what we can learn: Little black dresses never go out of style. A longer hem for work and a shorter one to play in. White has to be worn carefully because it is less forgiving. Don't be afraid to try white jeans or a white coat - but it doesn't hide the flaws as well as black does. Dress for your body type - not anyone else's.

To sum it up in one word - details.
It is all in the details my friends.

So basically, Posh is chic and lovely with a spark of edginess. She is always on top of fashion and her style is to die for. Of course very few of us have the money to spend on clothes like she does, but I hope some of these tips can turn your closet into your own version of Posh! Here are two of my favorite shots: America's most gorgeous couple and their family (minus baby Harper - whom I'm dying to see)!