Saturday, October 27, 2012

make kids smile

Last year I posted about Operation Christmas Child.
Well it is that time of year again and I am starting to buy
some goodies and pack up shoe boxes to send to kids!!
I want to encourage you all to get involved this year.
Take that coffee or fun spending money one week and
go to the dollar store or Target and buy some fun stuff :)
You will change the life of a child forever! Oh and don't
forget to put a picture of yourself in the box. They love it!
Watch this video if you need a little more convincing and
wait until you see these kids smile. They melt your heart.

Go make some kids smile :)

Thursday, October 25, 2012

fall color palette

I love fall colors and smells.
The colors of the leaves.
The smell of wood burning.
The colors of fall clothing.
The smell of looking adorable.

So it is really really all about
the rich colors of fall that get me.
I love fall activities but you cannot
do them without looking adorable!

Tips for looking adorable this fall:
1. Layers: cardigans, sweaters, and jackets.
2. Textures: sweaters, cardigans, and scarves.
3. Prints: stripes, floral, animal print, and tribal.
4. Accessories: jewelry, scarves, belts, and nails.
5. Boots: anklets, tall boots, and everything in between.

Better believe that I am fully embracing these fall clothing tips
and I will definitely be posting some pictures soon!
Below are my absolute favorite colors!
They are even great to mix and match together. Enjoy!

Wednesday, October 24, 2012

mid-semester slump

It is that time in the semester when midterms are just about over
and the second half of the semester has quickly come upon us.
A lot of times this means that girls and guys stop trying to look
nice for each other and start just being comfortable and warm.

Well my friends, I want to urge you to not allow yourself to
fall into the mid-semester slump and keep looking adorable.

How? Why? Is is really necessary?
It's simple. It's worth it. Yes.

Scenario #1: 
You stay up late to write papers and read books.
Your alarm doesn't goes off and you're running late to class.
[Happens to me at least once a week. I still look cute.]

Jeans, a plain tshirt, scarf, and boots. Time: 1 minute
Side braid or rock the natural look. Time: 0 - 2 minutes.
Mascara, eyeliner, lip balm, and a hint of bronzer. Time: 1 minute.
Total time: about 5 minutes. Now that isn't so hard is it?!

Scenario #2:
You are freezing and don't want to get out of bed in the morning.
[Happens to me on a daily basis. I still never wear sweatpants.]

Jeans and an knit sweater or tshirt and cardigan. Time: Under a minute.
Bun, braid, or whatever you have time for. Time: Varies.
The basics- mascara, eyeliner, blush, and lip balm. Time: 2 minutes.
Total time: about 5 minutes. Again, not so bad!

Okay so notice the trend? The basics don't take that long.
Throwing on a tshirt or sweater with an accessory like a scarf
or a long necklace with a cute braid or bun goes a long way and
it takes little to no time at all. Obviously, if you obsess over your
hair or makeup it will take you longer but it is possible to do quickly!

Today I woke up at 7:29am. I had to be out of my house at 7:30am.
I was able to shower, get dressed (business casual) and put makeup on!
Oh plus get coffee and pack my lunch of course.
Guess how long it took me? 23 minutes. No lie. Ask my mom.

I was in the car turning my key to start the engine after 23 minutes.
What did I sacrifice? A hot shower. Mine was freezing.
I am blessed with naturally wavy hair so throwing it in a bun works
and then I let it down when I get to my destination and [bam!] it's cute!

Even though I woke up late, skipping class or 
wearing sweats was never an option.
As a senior, I believe that it is even more 
important to look my best at all times.
I'm sitting under professors with doctorates
and head out to student teach in 3 months. 
So looking like a slob is not going to convey 
to my professors that I am serious about 
teaching or that I'm a professional person. 
And both are important when looking for a job!

Play around with your makeup and hair when you have free time.
This will ensure that you know the easiest and most important things
to apply and do. I have to put on eyeliner and mascara everyday,
but some of you might prefer eye shadow and bronzer instead.
Likewise, I can rock my natural hair most days but some of you
might need to straighten it or pull it back. Know your hair.

And for those random guys reading this, I love you all and thanks
for sticking with me through all of this! But wearing a nice tshirt
and jeans can go a long way. Polos are always a win in my book!

At the end of the day, wearing sweatpants to class will actually only 
hurt your performance in class as well as your reputation.

more on professionalism another day...

PS. I wore a sweatshirt ONE day to class last year and was called
out by so many people that I will never do that again. true fact.

Friday, October 5, 2012

top tweets

Check out last week's top tweets along with these babies:)
And please follow me on twitter - you won't regret it!

1. You think that your so funny when you bash people by name on twitter, but we all think you're an ass and hope you get called out #truth
2. I guarantee you that professors talk about us as much as we talk about them #newsflash
3. Dear people in cars, we can see you so please watch what you do because I am embarrassed for you. Love everyone #awkward
4. I'm wearing pink to celebrate the fact that this year October 3rd is a Wednesday!!! #ultimateday #NationalMeanGirlsDay
5. I just told my class about the time I was traumatized when I rode an elephant and it almost threw me off #throwback

Sorry that I haven't been around enough this week. But I hope you have a wonderful Friday and check back this weekend for some rockin' posts!

Wednesday, October 3, 2012

living with the ring intro

So people have been wondering about the tab
"Living with the Ring"

First things first, I am not engaged.
And don't have plans on being engaged soon.
I can officially say I plan to graduate college ring-less.

So why have part of my blog titled Living with the Ring?!
Well my roommate is engaged and I have so many
friends who are engaged right now as well...
so I am literally living with lots of rings all around me.

This part of the blog will be all about the funny stories,
the horror stories, tips on what to do next, where to look
for the latest wedding ideas, and so much more brought
to you by me and my other friends living with rings as well!

All stories will be anonymous and coming from many sources.
So sit back and enjoy all the stories that are to follow! :)