Tuesday, August 30, 2011


I never considered myself to be really creative. My friends in school always seemed to be way more creative than me growing up. They could take awesome pictures in this weird light and of course it came out awesome. Or they would think of the best idea in art class and the rest of the class would copy off their bright idea. Or better yet, they would have their artwork featured in the school art show. "I want my artwork in an art show," I would say in my head. I was always super jealous of those people but I was (still am) more concrete and literal. 

Then I came to college.

I was thrown into the group that everyone assumed was creative because of my major: early elementary education. "Oh you want to teach little kids - you have to be so creative!" No one had ever really assumed that about me before, so I grabbed it and ran with it. I started really tapping into that other side of my brain that I really had never used too much before. It seemed like I was going to never get it because I was too literal and concrete, and all the real creative people would find out I was a fake and yell at me to get out or something awful.

I was scared... and really scared to fail and copy.


Then I took a class: Integrating the Creative Arts into the Classroom. I was going to be learning how to take drama, music, and art and implement them into the classroom effectively. [What not to do: randomly place a skit, song or art project into a lesson. What to do: place a skit, song or art project into a lesson with a purpose to teach the students about drama, music or art along with the subject it is being taught in. (see I remember).] While this class taught me so much about practical application of integrating the creative arts into the classroom, it also taught me so much more about myself and creativity. Eighty-five percent of the class was focused on us performing plays, making music, and creating artwork. It was just plain amazing. relaxing. enjoyable. unique. and eye-opening.

I began to really tap into my brain and figure out what creativity meant to me - the literal and concrete teacher with a passion for something I had never really tried. I began to see that it was okay to fail - some of the coolest things I made in class weren't suppose to end up the way they did but they were the bomb.com! People in class were actually starting to come up to me and say that they loved my artwork! Say whatttt?! I couldn't believe that these people thought my stuff was good or even worth mentioning. And then we had an ART SHOW! People from all over the school came up to me and said they loved my stuff! I pretty much blushed and died inside while squeaking out a big thank you!

So it got me thinking - why did I suddenly have the capability to produce "good" artwork now and not before? Well - I always have been producing good artwork I just haven't been looking at it correctly. I let my fear get in the way of me being creative. I started to see the gifts that God has given me - which are different than everyone else's gifts. I am a creative person because I am made in the image of a creative God. I am able to see vintage items and figure out how to change them or leave them to be something new and exciting. I am able to fix things up easily and quickly into new things people die to have. I am able to take something that most people would find useless and give a use to. I am creative. I have a creative God who made me to be creative in different ways. I am definitely embracing the creative aspect of my life now - which you have seen in some other posts [click]. 

I started to realize that the quote above: "creativity is maximized when you're living in the moment" is so incredibly true. I am a planner. I organize and I plan. I have been broken by God in those areas many times, but I learned that when I am living in the moment I am forced to rely on God more and am able to be more creative in my everyday life. I love college because it has opened up a door that I never thought was there. Now I AM going to be that creative elementary teacher that does the awesome individualized arts and crafts with my students because I have been able to embrace my creativity. God has been able to show me so much about myself and Himself through this awesome learning experience. And this blog has been such an awesome outlet for some of my creativity as well!

all pictures are from pintrest

Sunday, August 28, 2011

God gave me you (part two) and a hurricane

Well tonight and tomorrow I will be on dorm lock down due to the impending Hurricane Irene. I am getting meals served to me at my dorm site and have finally hooked up the dvd player to the  old school tube tv (after 2 states, 4 stores, and multiple sales people). Today I have been super lazy and have just been bumming it with my roomie. We eat, sleep, watch movies, and repeat. We really feel like babies right now! But this is one of those lazy days I'm not going to fight but embrace because in two days I will be longing for this carefree day nothing to do and the impending carefree day with nothing to do but the same things as I did today all over again! It's a great feeling :)
Anyways, I hope you all enjoyed the song from God gave me you (part one) and will forgive me for being so absent this week. Moving in myself and others, training the newbies for the job in Admissions, and catching up with old and new friends has really taken a toll on me! But I just wanted to take a minute to thank the people who God has given me that I couldn't live without! You all are amazing :)

My family: You da best! God really has blessed me with a crazy, wild, outgoing, lovable, strong, supportive, unique, and priceless Mom, Dad and brother. We won't all be together until Thanksgiving (tears) but I can truly say that we're there for each other through the thick and thin! I can't wait for all the great memories over the holidays! I love you guys xoxo
New York City - September 2010
Nicholas: You're my best friend. You know me better than anyone else and love me no matter what. We met four years ago and even though you were shy and wouldn't talk to me - we were destined to be together. Thank you for being loyal, caring, supportive, amazing, and loving me unconditionally. I thank God everyday for you because I don't deserve the love you give me, but I'll take it! I love you boo xoxo
Christmas Eve - December 2010
Friends: You all are da bomb.com! You've been there for me through so much! I don't know how I could ever thank you all but I'll find a way. I wish some of you didn't live states apart from me right now, but God always keeps us close at heart and brings us together when we need it the most. I'm so thankful for each and every one of you! I love you girls xoxo
Hannah: Graduation - June 2009
Ami: Senior Prom - June 2009
Rachel: GNO Princeton - September 2010
Rebecca: My Birthday - December 2008
Lillian: PBU Formal - May 2011

And there are so many other people who have been there for me through so much - but these girls just needed a special shoot out for being there for me through thick and thin!

Okay so this was suppose to go up yesterday but we lost power mid blogging. Then I had to go down into the dorm basement twice for tornadoes and such. An earthquake, tornado and hurricane/tropical storm all in less than a week! WOW. Anyways, I'm off to get ready for school now that we have power and internet again (16 longgg hours).

Tuesday, August 23, 2011

God gave me you (part one)

So moving went well - thanks for asking!
Stuff is everywhere but it will be organized soon enough.
But I'm just not up for some long blogging today,
so I'm giving you a song that's been in my head today.
I'm loving Blake Shelton and this song right now! enjoy:)
I'll write about why this song tomorrow... for now just listen.

"God Gave Me You" - Blake Shelton

I’ve been a walking heartache
I’ve made a mess of me
The person that I’ve been lately
Ain’t who I wanna be

But you stay here right beside me
And watch as the storm blows through
And I need you

Cause God gave me you for the ups and downs
God gave me you for the days of doubt
And for when I think I lost my way
There are no words here left to say, it’s true
God gave me you
Gave me you

There’s more here than what we’re seeing
A divine conspiracy
That you, an angel lovely
Could somehow fall for me
You’ll always be love’s great martyr
And I’ll be the flattered fool
And I need you

God gave me you for the ups and downs
God gave me you for the days of doubt
And for when I think I lost my way
There are no words here left to say, it’s true
God gave me you

On my own I’m only
Half of what I could be
I can’t do without you
We are stitched together
And what love has tethered
I pray we never undo

Cause God gave me you for the ups and downs
God gave me you for the days of doubt
God gave me you for the ups and downs
God gave me you for the days of doubt
And for when I think I lost my way
There are no words here left to say, it’s true
God gave me you, gave me you.
He gave me you. 

Monday, August 22, 2011

Packing up my life (again)

I hate packing. I feel like for 9 months out of the year that is all I do.
I pack. I unpack. I repack. I unpack. Repeat.
I leave for school tomorrow and am stuck packing my life up today.
I live so close that I feel like I'm always packing to go back and forth.
I feel like I'm living out of two places at once and it is so annoying.
I never have that one shirt I really want because it's wherever I'm not.
So today I'm preparing to relocate myself again.
I'm packing up clothes, sheets, decorations, shoes, and everything else.
I put it in all the storage bins and suitcases I can find.
I pack my car. I pack my dad's car. I pack my boyfriend's truck.
Then tomorrow and all week I'll be unpacking all of that stuff and organizing.
It is such a girl thing to be 1. stressing about this and 2. blogging it.
I'm super excited to move into my room this year with Lillian (roomie).
We've been planning all of our decorations and room stuff for weeks.
We're super excited for this upcoming year and what it brings!
But tomorrow we unpack all of our stuff that we've packed up the last few days.
We make our bare and plain room home for a while by filling it with everything.
We make our beds, organize our desks, stock the fridge, and hang clothes.
We hang pictures, wall decorations, and redo everything until it's perfect.
So while today I'm going to hate packing and tomorrow unpacking - 
by Thursday my room will be almost finished and I'll be happy!
As for knowing I'm going to always be moving my stuff again...
that's my worry for another day.
Today I'm going to manage to love my last day of summer
no matter how much I hate packing up my life again.

Sunday, August 21, 2011

End of summer shabang

I love the beach. Everything about it screams home to me.
The salt water. The sand that gets everywhere. The sea breeze.
The stupid birds I scream at when they get too close (creepy things).
The people that make me feel better about myself via their outfits. 
The seafood. The ice cream. The pizza. The popcorn.
The late nights and early mornings. The family. The friends.
To sum it up: the memories are always amazing and priceless.

This past weekend my boyfriend's uncle and aunt invited us down to their beach house they rented for the weekend. 12 of us piled in cars at 6am and made our way to Ocean City New Jersey yesterday morning. It was our last big shabang for the summer for 2011.  We had to do it up right! And boy did we ever. We hit up Uncle Bill's Pancake House for breakfast! If you ever go to the beach you have to go there. We of course went to the beach all day! Sand, surf and sun all day :) The water was so fun and the beach games were perfect. I started a new book and love finding sand in the pages days later. For dinner, we went to Mike's Seafood, and it was one of the best dinner I've had all summer! Ever in Sea Isle - look it up! Our night ended by walking on the boards and going on the Ferris Wheel at closing. Some card games, porch convos, and late night snacks finished our perfect day off. Today we relaxed, walked the boards some more, watched the rain clouds, and ate ice cream while people watching. Our car ride home today saw lots of traffic and rain but there were plenty of cds filled with great jams to pass the time! I have blonder hair and some nice tan/red lines today, but I couldn't have asked for a better weekend of memories with family and friends:)

Now I'm packing up my life, again, and moving back to school this week.
(This year with a few less of  my best friends (boo) but a great roomie!)
And let me just say it is a pain in my butt. I hate packing/unpacking.
It's awful. But more on packing, moving and relocating my life later.

Today - I'm enjoying one last dinner with my mom, dad and boyfriend.
Steak, potatoes, grilled veggies and Rita's for dessert :) hollaaaa!

Friday, August 19, 2011

Thrifting Addiction

I'm a sucker for a good thrift store! Put me in any store and I will find tons of stuff that I wanna buy and take home with me. Everything has a story that is personal, unique and priceless. I call all my finds character pieces. (I'm going to open a business called Character Pieces one day, so the name is copyrighted to me!) Anyways, I buy lots of things at thrift stores or yard sales that I end up fixing up and putting my own little twist on. It's an addiction. I need to go thrifting every couple weeks or I go through withdraw. "Hi. My name is Kelsey, and I'm addicted to thrift stores." HAHA! That sounds so pathetic. Oh well. This is me - take it or leave it peeps. My parents laugh at me but enjoy seeing what I come home with, but my brother shakes his head and tells me to go buy new things at Target. They don't quite get it.

So now that you know my addiction - let me show you my beauties that I found today! Every month on the third Friday all the crazies, like me, go out to the Care and Share Thrift Shoppes.  Now these stores, five total, are fantastic on non sale days! All five have separate weekly sales  and then this one big sale every month. I go shopping there when I'm bored or passing by and have a half hour because I always find something! I recently got some amazing plates, fabric, lace, and an amazing jewelry box the other week.

Today I decided not to go right at 10 (opening time) but wait an hour or so. Well I barely found a spot an hour after the stores opened. I guess that was a bad idea because now all the really big crazies had found their stuff and were loading it up and just running everywhere. But I finally found a spot and headed right for the book store. I'm a sucker for anything really,  but old books - that's a real weak spot of mine. I found 9 amazing old books today and 3 newer ones I wanted to read. Total = $10.00. BAM. The old books were kids books, poems, and stories by all different people. I put them in and on my desk that I redid the other week (click it). They definitely were the missing piece in making the desk look old but new. I love love love them :) After that I made my way for a quick look in the Outlet Store. Everything is super super super cheap there (under 75 cents cheap). I didn't find anything I really needed there, so I went to the Variety Store. I found an amazing old suitcase (3 bucks!!!), 50 cent lace pieces, an old brush and mirror set, a tall box that goes with hat boxes I bought a while ago, two coffee signs, and a Paris sign with hooks on it (I love Paris and am dying to go!). Total = $20.00. BAM BAM!! Now that is some great steals people! I went with a budget of 30 dollars and spent only that! All the cute old people loved my suitcase and commented on my finds :)
Here they are:

So here are some pointers for all those who are interested in thrifting or just want some pointers! They are just the top ten things that I feel anyone should think about or do when trying to find some amazing character pieces.

1. Have a budget. It's important to stick to a certain amount that is decided on before entering the store(s) or you might get caught up in "all the great finds and buys" you see. I have found this to be the best helpful tip someone gave me!
2. Know need vs want. Of course if I had it my way I would buy everything I could ever want. However, there isn't enough space in my room or house for all of that. Stick to those few key character pieces that you love or really do need.
3. Take cash. Some stores are still only taking cash, and the last thing you want is to find some great pieces and not be able to pay for them!
4. Take your time and do the circuit. Walk around the whole store if possible to get the layout of it. Never leave a rock unturned! Grab the things you love or need right away because it might not be there when you go back. Take your time but have a time frame or you might be in there all day (believe me)!
5. Know the sales. Most stores have their sales posted online, but if they don't - call them up and ask if there are any upcoming sales. I always ask when I'm at a store when their sales are and if there are any special upcoming events.
6. Find out the restock days. Most stores are constantly getting new things in. Ask when they restock their stuff and show up that day. Some places close for a day and restock then. If that is the case, go the next day! There are always people cleaning out grandma's attic and taking things to thrift stores.
7. Look beyond what you see. There are some things that appear to be a little rough or useless. Tap into that creative side of your brain and think. Many pieces need some touch up paint or a little work and then they are true beauties! But know when the pieces should be left alone as well.
8. Have a use in mind. Know what you are going to do with the item(s) before you buy them. If you are going to be creative, then have a general idea of what you are going to do. Try to not just buy something random that you like without any real purpose in mind.
9. Be nice. Some people get so wrapped up into the latest sale and great finds that they forget their manners. The people that work at the stores aren't going to want to help mean people out. So hold the door, let people pass you, and use your manners. Please and thank you go a long way.
10. Don't be afraid to leave empty-handed. There are times when it is time to just put the cash back in your wallet, put the empty basket down, and get out your car keys. Not every time is going to be an amazing thrifting session. Don't lose heart though - keep looking.

I hope that you find all of these tips helpful! Let me know what great things you find when out on your next thrifting adventure :)

Thursday, August 18, 2011

If I could have anything I want

Yesterday I spent 16 hours in a car driving.
Today I am not up for in depth blogging.
Therefore, today is picture galore day!

And I love pinterest :)
We have a strictly love-love relationship!
Today I decided to bring you into it - yaaayyy

The game is called:
If I could have anything I want!!!
Enjoy loves :)

Home Edition:

Outside Edition:

Kitchen Edition:

Bathroom Edition:
Living Room Edition:

Library Edition:

Fashion Edition:

follow me on pinterest to see all these and more: click it!

Saturday, August 13, 2011

Teary Roadtrip

I'm going to take my brother to school this week (cue tears).
We're heading up to Cedar Point in Ohio for a couple days
of packed filled fun! It was my grad present for him :)
Anyways, here is the normal route from me to him now
11 hours. 660 miles.
I'm so happy for him but I'm so sad that he's going to be so far :(
(This was us on my 20th birthday - always being silly!)
I love you baby brother and can't wait to see all the amazing
things God has planned for you! Don't forget to call and text me!
Have a blast; make friends; study hard; live life;
and always remember where home is.

AND my best friend Hannah is leaving in 2 days for school in Tennessee :'(
She's my twinnie and best friend. We have the best times together.
I hate when she has to leave me for school but she always comes back.
This is Hannah and I out on the town this summer! :)
We know how to live it up girl!!! Can't wait for my Tennessee road trip!

I love you both and can't wait for you to come back to me :)
Pretty much - home is where Kelsey is right now!

Laterrrr. I'm going to go wipe up my tears now...