Friday, October 7, 2011

Sunday Breakfast

So right down the road from my school
is a thrift store called Sunday Breakfast.
It sits there and begs me to come in daily.
This week I answered it's call and went in.

There are very few people who understand thrifting.
Thankfully, my friend, Ethan, is one of them.
[Shout out - Ethan: told you this would go up!]
And this week we decided to cram in an hour of thrifting.
We headed over to the store and began our digging.
Of course there was lots of talking and laughing as well.
So it was a win-win situation for everyone!

I started with the clothes but didn't find much there.
I did find this awesome necklace - turned bracelet. I loveee it.
And it only put me out two whole dollars.
I've already worn it once and received lots of compliments!

I also found these cardboard crafting thingers. yay crafts.
Super random - I know. But they were 75 cents!
And I'm always in need of crafting things.

Ethan and I came up with a huge problem in thrift stores.
They overprice the best items.
We found some real gems that were always just slightly over priced.
Some things were so cool but I just couldn't pay the sticker price.
Is it really necessary to ask $10 for a poster?! I think NOT!
This is why I love discount days at the thrift stores.
You can grab those items that are just out of reach.
And are super unique and have character 'cause they're old.

Some awesome things about thrifting with someone...
1. You get to laugh a lot!
2. You find things for each other you never would never found alone.
3. They might have a great idea you never thought of.
4. You get into some pretty deep life convos.
5. You have some cheap and awesome memories.
6. You always want to go back and a partner in crime makes it better.

So thank you, Ethan, for putting up with my slow hour walk around.
Hopefully we find some real gems next time.
But the conversation was worth the trip!

Also on the topic of thrifting...
This weekend I got these beauts at Plato's Closet!
I dragged my boyfriend out thrifting with me for an hour or so.
He is actually starting to understand it more thanks to this place!
I love this store. 
Name brands. Tags. Gently used. Cheap.
[Hence why boyfriend loves it too!]
I found a Forever 21 shirt - $8. score.

And I got these babies for $3!
I wore them and understand why they were given away.
Blisters. Big. Ugly. Blisters. On. Both. Feet.
So I need to wear band-aids or something with them.
But they are so stinkin' cute! Keeping them for sure.

So there you have my thrifty Thursday finds!
[Even though this is posting on Friday... #fail.]
I'm going to try and get out to some this weekend :)
We'll see if that happens though because...

So we'll see if I have any money left after that game
to go to the thrift stores :)

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