Wednesday, April 24, 2013

the prague diet

Living in overseas means eating like the natives.
So what does the Prague diet entail?
A lot of walking and fresh fruits and veggies.

Czechs go grocery shopping almost every single day
because they don't have cars to load everything in
so they carry all their groceries home. And no one
wants to carry too many things home so they don't.

This means that everything is very fresh to eat!
They have less preservatives here and plenty of
places near by to get fresh fruits and veggies from.
I mean Spanish die for!!

So one aspect of the Prague diet: fresh fruits
and veggies daily - basically every meal!
But add in that they eat less...small portions.

Lastly, walk, walk, walk, run, run, run.
Lots of walking everywhere around the
city to get things and go to work, and
then running for a great workout!

So basically....
1. eat lots of fresh fruits and veggies
2. eat smaller portions of food
3. walk everywhere and then go work out

And that my friends is the Prague diet!
I love it. Working out twice a day plus
all the walking, fresh meals and smaller
portions is looking pretty good on me!

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