Thursday, April 25, 2013

the castle guards gossip

Today I know what the castle guards are gossiping! Why? Because I ran around the castle complex like I owned the place for about an hour in bright pink shoes. The castle is about a 30 minute run from my house here. So I stopped along the way to take some quick pictures on my phone because the views were stunning...

Then I decided that since the castle was open I would take a run around the complex. And it was magical! Who else can say that they went running around a castle? A princess that's who. Plus there was barely anyone around so I got some amazing shots of the castle...
I honestly don't know how I'm ever going to be able to run on a treadmill or through a development again. The views in Prague are breathtaking and keep me running for hours to see more! I am getting the best workouts here because I run for hours up and down the hills of this beautiful city!
But I know that I caused a few giggles from the castle guards because I was wearing my American bright pink running shoes and jumping off of steps and running up, down and all around. Oh well...everyone needs something or someone to talk about on their breaks, and today it's all about these pink sneakers!

*click on any pictures to see zoom in and see them bigger!

1 comment:

  1. Hahahahahahaha - maybe they were talking about the girl in the pink running SHORTS!!!!! Love the pictures in the sun- Aunt PattI and I want to come back now that it is warm and sunny!! Love you- Gigi


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