Monday, August 1, 2011

Stop or Break

So I decided to talk about my section from my list labeled:
"Stop or Break from."
I'm starting here because well - they're done. yayyyy!

Stop or Break from:
11. Stop biting/picking nails
12. Stop being a pack rat

13. Facebook Fast
14. Kick the coffee addiction

Coffee Addiction 101.
Lent. 40 days. No coffee. Worst best decision. I finally kicked the addiction I've had since I was four years old. You read that right: four years old. My grandmother would fill up the creamer containers with this hot, brown liquid that was sweet and yummy. I loved it. Asked for seconds and thirds and more. I didn't have it every day of course, but I was completely addicted to having coffee with milk and sugar whenever I could get my hands on it (even just a sip). I didn't need it every day or even once a week. I really became addicted to coffee my senior year of high school. AP and honors classes, sports, volunteering, babysitting, work, friends, boys, family and oh right homework. I became a pro at getting 5 hours of sleep and still being able to have a very packed schedule because I basically had a coffee IV in me. College came and coffee was not only a way to survive everyday life but now it was the cool thing to go out and drink with friends. Coffee dates were scheduled a couple times a week to chat and talk with friends. I couldn't go a single day without coffee or I would have those horrible headaches for what seemed like So half way through my sophomore year I knew that this had to stop. I had needed a cup of coffee every day for 2 and a half years. So my friends, lent came around and I got the best idea ever. I would give up coffee and kick my addiction. Because having a silly addiction like coffee for years before I'm even 21 is just plain insane. So I sucked it up. Dealt with the headaches and canceled all coffee dates (boooo) and kicked my coffee addiction for good. Now, I drink coffee twice a week or less. I love that feeling of not needing it every day, and I can honestly say coffee dates are way more enjoyable now!

Facebook Fast.
I have a love-HATE relationship with facebook. I love being able to see pictures and talk to people who I can't see on a weekly or monthly basis. However, I hate it way more than I will ever love it. I don't know why we all feel like it has to be on facebook or it isn't true. Relationships need to be FBO (facebook official) before anyone will actually accept it as a legit relationship. Drama. Gossip. He said/she said. Drama. Gossip. Drama. All of this over a website with your picture and info attached to it. ARE YOU KIDDING ME??! I had enough of it about 3 months ago, so I gave up facebook for 11 weeks. Best weeks ever. I wasn't glued to my computer, caught up in drama, gossiping over the newest picture of "him and her." I was living my life in actual life terms - not facebook ones. I spent more time with real life friends than the fake ones online and it was fantastic! I am back on - but it hasn't even been a week and I'm ready to give it up again. Moderation is my new key with facebook. PS. Look at these insane facts!

Pack Rat Syndrome.

I love organization. My room, my schedule, my homework, my purse, and my life are very organized. I have lists upon lists to make sure everything stays that way. I clean up to make sure everything is it's place. But I am a closet pack rat to the max. I have saved everything important from middle and high school in shoe boxes (don't worry 1 per year). But all are full of great and awesome memories. Containing everything into a shoe box helped me years ago from letting my pack rat syndrome get out of control. But now it has moved from stuff to clothes. I could pretty much cloth a small country in Africa with all my clothes. Laundry - ehh that happens every 6-8 weeks. I do the essentials (bras, undies, jeans, basic tees, and socks) every like 3 weeks. Let me give you a better idea of what I'm taking about - senior year of high school - I never repeated the same outfit. So now in college I take home laundry every 6 weeks or so and take completely new clothes to school. It's pretty bad. However, I have sorted through my clothes and even though some people would say my amount of clothes doesn't look too much smaller - it definitely is. I am super careful on what I buy now because I don't want to have clothes I never wear. I also have learned that parting with an item does not mean parting with a memory - so I am getting much better at what I keep and what just needs to go!

Nail Biting Nonsense.
I neverrr bit my nails growing up. I had lovely, strong nails all through high school. But then I got to college and my stress level went through the roof, and I picked up nail biting when I was nervous or annoyed or stressed. I hate myself for it every time I do it because I see that I'm ruining my nails. So this summer I have stopped biting my nails and the occasional picking of them. I'm so bad at it while I drive, so I have to be careful when I'm driving. I think I finally kicked the bad habit though. I don't remember the last time I touched my nails, and they are beginning to look very healthy and strong again! yayyy! In two weeks I will be getting them done for school and can't wait to walk in with these gorgeous babies and show them off because oh how I've missed long nails that aren't splitting or being bitten off. 

So there you have it folks. My "deep and dark" confessions of what I've been working on quitting for the past couple of months. Nothing too huge or monumental, but my life is much better now that I have these ducks under control and in a row!

Better pictures are to come this week with my very monumental experiences and challenges from my list of twenty one things. Thanks for reading through my secrets - I guess that cat's out of the bag on these secrets though...

All pictures are via Pinterest.

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