Wednesday, July 27, 2011

One of "those" days.

You all know the kind of days.
One of "those" days,
that turns into a week,
and seems to last - (Sandlot voice)

First off, let's talk about being a girl.
Ladies - we all know that once a month
a whole week is taken away from us
because we are girls and get "it."

This week would be one of "those" weeks for me.
Monday: cramps. massive cramps.
Tuesday: cramps and foot slammed in the car door.
Wednesday: burn. massive, half a hand burn.

This burn took on a life of it's own right from the beginning.
One of the lovely ladies I work with told me this new "myth" for burns.
Who would have guessed that white flour would solve my problem.
I mean this thing was nassstyyyy.
Bubbles. Blisters. Puffy. Discolored.
The whole nine yards in a matter of 20 minutes.

My boss got some white flour and a bag,
and I stuck my hand in that bag for over 10 minutes.
And wouldn't you know - it worked!!!
It didn't fix it completely but it reduced most of swelling and blisters.

So here I sit - with the best boy ever!
He keeps changing my ice, rubbing my back, and feeding me pretzel m&m's.
And I love him all the more for it :)
Who knew being a girl would be so difficult.
And that all of these things would fall in the same week.

But right now, I'm thanking God for boys :)
  (that sounds like a country song)


  1. HAHA that DOES sound like a country song - speaking of which, I heard God Love Her at the gym today and thought of you :) <3

  2. eeek, those weeks are the worst! great post! hope your hand is better! xoxo, ashley


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