Saturday, August 13, 2011

Teary Roadtrip

I'm going to take my brother to school this week (cue tears).
We're heading up to Cedar Point in Ohio for a couple days
of packed filled fun! It was my grad present for him :)
Anyways, here is the normal route from me to him now
11 hours. 660 miles.
I'm so happy for him but I'm so sad that he's going to be so far :(
(This was us on my 20th birthday - always being silly!)
I love you baby brother and can't wait to see all the amazing
things God has planned for you! Don't forget to call and text me!
Have a blast; make friends; study hard; live life;
and always remember where home is.

AND my best friend Hannah is leaving in 2 days for school in Tennessee :'(
She's my twinnie and best friend. We have the best times together.
I hate when she has to leave me for school but she always comes back.
This is Hannah and I out on the town this summer! :)
We know how to live it up girl!!! Can't wait for my Tennessee road trip!

I love you both and can't wait for you to come back to me :)
Pretty much - home is where Kelsey is right now!

Laterrrr. I'm going to go wipe up my tears now...

1 comment:

  1. Goodbyes are a time that we get to measure how much we love. Our tears and emotions are a window to our heart. Love deeply, don't be aftaid to share how much people mean to you and let them know you will be eager to see them again.

    Doesn't that sound great? I'll be handing you the tissues and giving hugs while I mop up my tears too!!

    Love you,


leave me some love! xoxo