Monday, August 22, 2011

Packing up my life (again)

I hate packing. I feel like for 9 months out of the year that is all I do.
I pack. I unpack. I repack. I unpack. Repeat.
I leave for school tomorrow and am stuck packing my life up today.
I live so close that I feel like I'm always packing to go back and forth.
I feel like I'm living out of two places at once and it is so annoying.
I never have that one shirt I really want because it's wherever I'm not.
So today I'm preparing to relocate myself again.
I'm packing up clothes, sheets, decorations, shoes, and everything else.
I put it in all the storage bins and suitcases I can find.
I pack my car. I pack my dad's car. I pack my boyfriend's truck.
Then tomorrow and all week I'll be unpacking all of that stuff and organizing.
It is such a girl thing to be 1. stressing about this and 2. blogging it.
I'm super excited to move into my room this year with Lillian (roomie).
We've been planning all of our decorations and room stuff for weeks.
We're super excited for this upcoming year and what it brings!
But tomorrow we unpack all of our stuff that we've packed up the last few days.
We make our bare and plain room home for a while by filling it with everything.
We make our beds, organize our desks, stock the fridge, and hang clothes.
We hang pictures, wall decorations, and redo everything until it's perfect.
So while today I'm going to hate packing and tomorrow unpacking - 
by Thursday my room will be almost finished and I'll be happy!
As for knowing I'm going to always be moving my stuff again...
that's my worry for another day.
Today I'm going to manage to love my last day of summer
no matter how much I hate packing up my life again.

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