Monday, March 26, 2012

so sorry

So when spring semester rolls around everyone is looking forward to one thing... spring break. But then spring break comes and goes - all everyone is left with is one new thing.... stress. You only have eight more weeks until the end of the semester and there is so  much more to do. Not only do you have all the course work to finish up for the end of the semester but you're planning the up coming summer/semester/year. It is never ending friends.

For me, I'm looking into the next three months and realizing spring break was my only break until July, so I'm planning my summer trips, jobs and classes, the next semester because it will be my last one of classes, where I will be doing my student teaching in the US and overseas, and the beginnings of my future plans after I graduate in 14 months! It is insane around here I tell you. I get enough sleep to get by on a daily basis. I do my best to eat three meals a day. I run as often as I can. But what really keeps my going is my quiet time with God each day. No matter how stressed I am, He always knows just what I need.

So the lack of posts isn't because I don't want to be here. I honestly don't remember the last time I logged on to check everything :( I am truly sorry but I will be back later this week... I hope. Have a wonderful week friends!

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