Tuesday, September 27, 2011

my voice. my vision.

I was reading over at Casey Wiegand's blog.
I love her blog because she is so real and open about her life,
but at the same time she is careful in what she is sharing.
A few months ago she considered letting go of her blog for a while.
She didn't know if it was right to continue blogging when there
were other things going on in her life. [I really admired that]
I was upset though when I read that post for many reasons.
Casey is such an inspiration to me because she is so tender.
She is the Momma who hates to be away from her kids,
puts her hubby first, loves God, and is just very sensitive.
She blogged all about who she is and no more apologizing for that.
I really admired that about her for everything she said.

But everything Casey said was her, is not me...
One - I don't have a hubby or babies.
Two - I'm not very sensitive [I love people who are though].
But one thing is for sure - we serve the same God.
We both go through rough patches.
We both want to be completely real.
We both strive to show Christ daily.

Casey posted this quote on her blog... and I'm stealing it
because I want to share my vision, my hope, my song:

"To be taken seriously, I must realize the seriousness of  blogging.

Not in a "I take myself very seriously" type of way at all. More in the way that you realize the importance of the words, the faith and the beliefs that you hold.
I have a responsibility and far reaching arms when I share my words and


Use your blog, your words and your person to share the Lord (and your heart) with others.
They desperately need to hear your story as much as you need to hear theirs.

Be serious. Be passionate and Be you."

I want this blog to be me.

Not Casey; Sydney; Ashley. Kelsey!
I am going to be real. I'm going to be me.
[This is me this past March in Haiti]
This is my voice.
I'm a type A person who hates to be wrong.
I have a gift with children and plan on using it.
I have a heart for missions, people and serving.
I love Jesus with all my heart, mind, soul, and strength.
I am tough on myself and others.
I am fierce and will fight for what I believe in
and those I believe in until the end.
I have learned more about God and myself
in the last 2 years than the 18 before that.
I am Kelsey Lynn. And this is my story!
Here are my struggles and joys.
I hope they speak to you in some way.

This is my vision.
To bring glory to God.
And to be selfless enough to do that,
no matter what the cost or stakes.

I want to use who I am to fulfill my vision.

So this I've been thinking about this blog...
I obviously like things to be organized [surprise surprise]
so I've been thinking about blogging things on different days.
A little bit on this and then a little bit on that.
So  here's what I've been thinking:
Madness Monday [anything I find crazy; am crazy about]
Thoughtful Tuesday [what has been on my heart]
Wardrobe Wednesday [style, fashion, tips]
Thrifty Thursday [thrifty ideas, finds, tips, mix match]
DIY Friday [crafts and do it yourself remedies for the weekend]
Whatever Weekends [whatever I want to right about]
NOTE: This can and most likely will change.
This is more to help me and focus me right now.

So that's the plan for right now - starting now...
How did I do with my first Thoughtful Tuesday?!

1 comment:

leave me some love! xoxo