Monday, September 26, 2011


So I made a mistake [eek... I hate that sentence].

In my list of 21 things I made a mistake.
I have already been jet skiing... woops [I forgot]
I have not been to Tennessee though.

So I am replacing my "go jet skiing" to....
and yesterday I officially booked the tickets,
so in 18 dias I will be flying out to visit Hannah!
Philly to Chattanooga - here I come! TN get ready!

I can't wait to blog all about our fun times together.
I miss that girl a lot cause you see - we're twins.
We've been best friends since 7th grade. She's the bomb!
And I haven't seen her since the beginning of August.
So I'm kinda freaking out I get to see her soon :)

Okay so on to more interesting info for all of you...
I already blogged about the things I wanted to
stop or break from before I turned 21.
And I already showed you some awesome craftiness.
I enlightened you with some thrifting tips.
And I combined the two with an old school desk.
All of these were part of my 21 list...

So from the FUN section of my list: I give you - 
[in honor of Hannah] hookah and guns.

This whole list thing got started with my Mama - 
Hannah and I adapted it for our 21st birthdays.
And some of the stuff we do together, some we don't.
Well here are two things we had to do together!
I don't have any pictures of me shooting a shot gun,
boys don't understand or care to take pictures.
But I have ones of me and Hannah shooting and
trying some hookah for the first time! [thanks Han!]

So here are some pictures of 2 great days!!!
The girls had so much fun trying new things...
and dragging the boys with us!

 Me and Hannah! Doylestown Hookah Bar
Me and Nick
Hannah and Matt
 Bam. Bam. Bam. I know how to shot those clay pigeons!
 Bam. Bam. Bam. She hit some on her first day out!
 I was horrible at throwing!
 The most hick thing she has ever done:
guns, clay pigeons, cornfield, truck, and country music.
We had a banging time!!!

PS. Check out my new 21 Things Tab!

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