Thursday, March 21, 2013

week one

So yesterday I posted all about the background of the school I'm in and the class I'm teaching. But what I didn't tell you was what we have been doing during this week. Adventures. We have gone on lots of adventures and it has been quite the first week for me!

                    Monday's Adventure: meeting each other!
This was an adventure for everyone because I'm new to them and they're new to me. We had a lot of fun getting to know each other, playing, and learning how the class does things. In my class I have students that were born in America, Poland, Italy, China, Czech Republic, Russia, and Romania. I had a wonderful time meeting all eight littles and love their precious hearts so much!
                    Tuesday's Adventure: ice skating and the tram!
The Elementary school, grades 1-6 that consists of 32 students, went on a field trip because they collectively read 1,000 books! So the school took them to go ice skating for the morning. The teachers and some parents walked all 32 children on a 30 minute walk through the snowy and wet streets and parks of Prague. It was quite eventful because of the snow and the lack of shoveling that had been done because most people just take the public transportation. I had four little bodies crawling all over me as we attempted to walk down a million snow covered steps in the park so eventful is an understatement!
However, we all made it to the rink injury free. The kids had a blast skating around and I loved helping some of my kids conquer their fear of getting on the ice! After a morning of skating, we took the kids to the tram stop outside the rink because the walk back was up very steep hills. Somehow we successfully managed to get all 32 kids on 2 different trams and arrived back to school in a half hour. The littles were starving and pretty tired so we had an easy afternoon. Overall, it was a great chance to get to know them better and have some fun :)

                    Wednesday's Adventure: in service day for me and the teachers!
I'm still getting to know many of the teachers so it was fun to get to the know the staff better and have a little relaxing day sandwiched between two insane adventure days! I brought them some Hershey's chocolate so we're all best friends now. I also ventured out and was able to get around the city by myself which includes getting off trams and getting on others! There are over 20 trams that go in a million different directions and only go to certain areas of the city so getting around requires some planning and timing. But I think I'm really starting to get the hang of it now! Below are pictures right outside the school.
                    Thursday's Adventure: a science museum in Plzen (Pil-sen)
As if my week couldn't get more interesting... today the Elementary school and Middle school took a day field trip to a science museum in Plzen which is about an hour and a half away. We wandered through all the very interactive exhibits today and had a blast together! They had spy games, laser rooms to wiggle through carefully, airport security, trains, light maneuvered in various ways, blocks and so much more! My littles had so much fun trying so many different games today and they even learned a lot. 



These kids just melt my heart and are the reason why I'm here. I can't wait to teach them shortly and learn more about them!
                    Friday's Adventure: culture day!
Tomorrow the kids will share projects on various countries that they have been working on and then participate in different cultural games and activities. We have Chinese numbers in math, sorting and speed challenges with chopsticks, coloring flags, and pin the name on the continent! We'll also wrap up the Easter story and finish our Bible craft that traces the events of The Holy Week. It is going to be a packed day of fun and learning!!

Then...SPRING BREAK!!! I've tried not to be too jealous of everyone going to cool beaches the past two weeks for Spring Break but now you can all be jealous of me spending my 10 tens off in Vienna, Chesky Krumlov, and Prague!

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