Friday, September 21, 2012

national singles week

[Note: travelling to Indiana, friends, family, papers, and random internet connection are to blame for this being a day late. So sorry.]

You read it right - this week is national singles week.
And even though I'm not single, just dating a handsome guy,
I know that going to 13 weddings every summer is kind of
a drag when you are on the very single market.

The reason why I wanted to bring this up is because
1. it is NOT the end of the world to be single and
2. the weekend is around the corner aka game time!

So number is not the end of the world to be single.
Here are the top 3 reasons why being single is great:
1. You get to do what you want when you want.
2. You get to spend your money on who you want (aka you).
3. You have plenty of time to be with your friends.

Being single at my school is hard. I have never been single
in college so I don't completely know how it feels,
but I see with my own eyes that it is really tough.
People around me get engaged at 18/19 and married at 21/22.
So pretty much if you graduate college without a ring or two you're
an old maid and everyone asks when you want to settle down.
What?! There is nothing weird about not settling down at 22.
And you are definitely not alone. There are lots of single people.

You are young and beautiful/handsome and have a whole life to live.
Get out there and date different people. Take your time. Live life.
It is really not the end of the world to be will live - promise.

So number two...the weekend is around the corner aka game time.
So you are single and you want to get out there. Meet people. Have fun.
Don't put any pressure on yourself or others - be you and let loose.
Go somewhere fun and new and up and coming to meet new people.
Put yourself out there to have fun and don't worry about turning it
into a relationship or anything complicated because that's silly.

My mom encouraged me go on dates and have fun with guys in
high school and have friends that were guys. It was one of the best
pieces of advice she game me because I wasn't tied down and I lived!
No guy 'owned' me and I called all my shots. Obviously I gave that up
(and it was hard) to start dating a wonderful guy but I knew the
type of guy I wanted to date before we were boyfriend and girlfriend.
I had fun and I will never regret my single, wild, and free years!

3 Awesome Facts about American Singles:
1. 22% of Americans were single in 1950. Now over 50% are single.
Commitment issues and too many fish in the sea have played into this.
With the divorce rate on the rise, more people are hesitate to get married.
2. For every 100 single women there are 89 single men.
3. 62% of people who are single over 18 have never been married.

So happy National Singles Week friends!
Respect yourself. Love yourself. Be single. Have fun. Life life.

PS. I have single friends if you want date one ;)

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